Under Review: How to Evaluate a Recordkeeping Relationship (Podcast)

In this episode of the Fiduciary Advice @ Work podcast, experts from Francis Investment Counsel discuss the role of a recordkeeper to a retirement plan benefit, trends in recordkeeping across the industry, and key elements for plan sponsors to focus on when evaluating their recordkeeping relationship.


Under Review: How to Evaluate a Recordkeeping Relationship

In this episode, we focus on important elements of a plan sponsor’s recordkeeping relationship, including:

  • The role a recordkeeper fulfills in comparison to other plan service providers
  • Challenges recordkeepers face in a consolidating marketplace and how plan sponsors should respond
  • Key factors to consider in the event a plan sponsor conducts a recordkeeper evaluation

“Where selection [of a recordkeeper] matters most is when it comes to the consultative nature of the relationship … Is the team experienced? Are they proactive? … Those less tangible features are what separate really good relationships from great relationships.”

– Kevin Skow, Vice President

Listen to more of the Fiduciary Advice @ Work Podcast

Hear from the experts at Francis Investment Counsel as they share their perspectives on the retirement plan industry.

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Whether we provide consulting to your retirement plan committee or financial education to a room full of your employees, our services are designed to help you take care of what matters most: your employees.

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